Specifies whether you want to publish the blog entry ( True) or leave the new/ updated entry stored as a draft ( False). 指定您希望发布博客文章(True)还是将新的/更新的博客文章存储为草稿(False)。
The business process returns TRUE if the entry exists and the phone number is updated or FALSE if it is not. 如果存在条目,那么业务过程返回TRUE并更新电话号码;否则返回FALSE。
Fetches the number of feed entries specified by num_entries ( default is3, possible range is1-100), and optionally fetches entry summaries depending on the value of get_summaries ( default is false). 获取由numentries(缺省为3,可能值为1-100)指定数量的Feed条目,并根据getsummaries的值(缺省为false)可选地获取条目摘要。
To enable or disable a cache, locate its cache entry and set the enabled value to false. 为了激活一个高速缓存或者使之失效,就要找到其自身的高速缓存入口并设置激活的数值为false。
Action of make false entry in a record or of destroy a record 在账中做错误的入账或毁掉所记的账
Makes any false statement or entry in any return; 在报税表中作出虚假的陈述或记项;
A false entry in financial reporting, say by over-invoicing to disguise an improper payment, makes a company and all its directors vulnerable if it files reports in the US, has senior people resident in the country or is listed on a US exchange. 如果一家公司报告地在美国,高管人员是美国居民,或者在美国上市,那么,不实的财务报告,比如虚增发票金额来掩盖不当的钱款支付,就会让该公司和所有董事面临指控。
Procure a false entry in certain records 在某些记录内促致虚假记项
To make a false entry in the record 在记录中做了不真实的记载
The results also showed that the blood flow entered into the false lumen from the true lumen in systole and returned to the true lumen in diastole at both entry and reentry sites. 本研究显示主动脉夹层破口血流在收缩期从真腔进入假腔,舒张期又返回真腔。
8% of the false lumen was partially thrombosed between entry and reentry; 4例(8%)的假腔内部分血栓形成,入口和出口之间不相通,但入口和出口分别有血流从真腔进入假腔;